What Is Love?
The word love can mean various things so that it is often unclear what a speaker is talking about while using it. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the context of communication to better understand the content of the love notion. This might be love for God, parental love for a child, or love of a child for parents, etc. Love also is often used as a synonym for sex. So at a certain point in history, people invented the word romantic love to denote a special host of emotions, cognitions, and behaviors. They thought that was true love. Were they right?
People over the centuries and over their personal lives have been striving to search for an answer to the question of what the true and authentic love is.

Because love can mean many diverse things, people often conventionally add the word romantic to distinguish the type of love that includes a sexual compo- nent from all other types of love. The notion of romantic love has had multifac- eted meanings throughout human history and in modern cultures around the world. The purpose of this book is to disentangle its multiple connotations and depict the diverse romantic elements in various cultural contexts. The word romantic love is generally used to denote heterosexual love between men and women distinguish- ing it from other types of love: conjugal, maternal, friendship, and other types of close relationship feelings. In this sense, a romantic relationship is just the rela- tionship between a man and a woman implying sexual interest and attraction.
Apart from this simply indicative function, the term romantic love has had long historical tradition describing a special emotion and the host of romantic feelings between men and women. In this meaning, romantic love is distinguished from sex and sexual love, while still being remotely related to basic sexual motiva- tion. Generally speaking, the word romantic has rather a specific meaning of an idealized and sublimed view of reality. In this regard, romantic means a percep- tion of life events and feelings as in a fairy tale, a song, a novel, or a movie, that is, something not routine. Romantic means something uplifting from a mundane and ordinary way of living, as opposite to anything down to earth. In this regard, romantic love does not necessarily mean passionate; this might be just affection- ate.
Does Love Need To Be Romantic ?

Do you feel like you need someone to love romantically in order to live happily? Or would being in a romantic relationship just improve your life as it is currently?
If you answered yes to the former, it is a need. If you answered yes to the latter, then it is a want.
Being in a relationship means that you give someone else, to an extent, power over certain parts of your life: your emotions, your time, your energy, your friends… They have the power to make your life fantastic, but also really awful. They can make you feel like the most important person on earth, or they can make you feel like absolute garbage.
You don’t have to be in a relationship to be okay in life. To be okay, you need to find meaning and be secure in your own identity. These things are generally easier to do as a singleton, but once again, it varies from person to person.
Find Yourself Before Finding Someone
I love to take quote from the Bible in Genesis. God gave Adam (the first man) a job (Work the earth and give names to animals and take care of everything) before He (God) gave him (Adam) a wife.
This is not valid only for men. Men as well as women should find their life purpose before finding someone to live life with. Depending on someone for your emotional, mental, physical and even financial well-being could put an unnecessary stress over the person, and might kill the love the person has for you.
You must be able to be happy on yourself before being happy with someone because the truth is, nobody else but yourself can make you contented. Happiness comes from within.

Love Needs Maturity
In this sense, The Couple’s Corner 237 wants to remind to a generation of fast goers and fast lovers, the basics of a true and happy relationship. Different professionals will be involved in giving the right kind of information and advice on how to nourish a couple, during sixty days, to 10 couples competing against each other to stand a chance to win Fully covered Traditional Wedding, 5,000,000 FCFA, Diverse Opportunities From Partners and A Honeymoon To Dubai.

The Couple’s Corner is starting soon! Get ready to learn what true love is.