Tips On How To Ask For A Promotion At Work
Climbing the corporate ladder is the dream of every employee. Everyone wants to advance in their career and avoid sticking in same position for too long; But it is important to know when to ask for a promotion and most of all, how to go about it.
You must be strategic and respectful in how you go about your quest for a promotion. When you’re ready to take a leap of faith and take charge of your career, here are some very important tips that will be of great help to you.
1. Brainstorm on what you want from the promotion
It is always very necessary to think about what exactly you want and why you need a promotion at that particular time. There are many reasons why one will want an advancement, but the most important thing is to narrow your goals and what you want this move to do for your career. More so your boss or manager will definitely ask why you need that position and figuring that answer early enough will help you respond confidently.
2. Do a research on the company’s available opportunities
It is very important to be sure that there are openings in the company before asking for a promotion. You can talk with colleagues to have an insight of roles that are not available at the moment, but might be soon. Inspite of the fact that seeking a new position might be discreet, giving you one will depend on the needs and goals of the organization. Your research should also help you determine whether the role is what you desire.
3. Showcase your skills and abilities
There is no way you will get a promotion if the manager does not see you motivated and capable of doing more. If you need a promotion, you will need to prove that you deserve it. This does not necessarily mean you’ll have to become attached to your managers hip on their every move, as this will send a negative signal. All you have to do is just work hard, be vigilant and do your job the best way possible. Take your job seriously and take up some assignments that everyone seems to avoid. Be an employee that your manager will undisputedly promote.
4. Know when to ask for a promotion
Timing is one of the things to look out for when seeking a promotion. There is no perfect time, but it is important to assess the state of the company before seeking a new position. For instance you can’t be asking for a new position when your company is not financially vibrant, but on the contrary, you can push for a promotion when your company just did massive layoffs. In all, always consider the state of the company before seeking a promotion.
5. Research about the job
It will be unwise to go for a position you know nothing about. The new position will likely demand new responsibilities and skills. You must definitely have a good mastery of the new position before discussing with hierarchy.

6. Prepare your promotion pitch
After researching about the job, you will have to prepare a compelling speech, stating your added values if you are given the new job, while enumerating your skills and previous achievements. Lay emphasis on the impact you’ve created and what your work has done to benefit the organization. Prove and reassure them that you’ll excel at the new position if you’re given the opportunity.
7. Schedule meeting time
Once your pitch is ready, it’s time to schedule a meeting to talk with your manager or hierarchy to ask for a promotion. When you request a meeting, be clear about your objective; this will also give your manager time to prepare for the discussion. Don’t bluntly say you want a promotion, as most managers will brutally say NO. So you can say the meeting is about your future in the company, the wait until you have your meeting to let the cat out of the bag.
8. Evaluate your outcome
Do not always expect a yes or no answer when you pitch for a promotion. Managers will often take time to evaluate you and see if you are deserving of a promotion. If afterwards it is a yes, then congratulations, but if it’s a No, then don’t lose hope. It’s not the end of the world and also, that does not mean the promotion will never come. Just keep your head high and continue working hard.
Kwatika Pamela, Editor