The Corporate Awards 2022 Winners
Benchmarking Your Corporate Stories
Every job well done deserves some form of recognition and accolades. The Corporate Awards (TCA) for years has been a platform for organisations to receive global recognition for exceptional services rendered. From its conception 8 years ago, the Corporate Awards has played an instrumental role in shining the spotlight on organisations with outstanding performances, policies, and celebrating excellence in people management.

This year, TCA was held under the theme ‘Benchmarking Your Corporate Story’. As usual, there are two parts of the award categories; Internal Research and People’s Choice, with one being purely online and the other active commitment from participating companies. An additional engagement is outsourced to an independent research firm to conduct the internal research process. Thereby, liaising with participating companies to collate data relevant for the set categories.
On the other hand, an independent voting platform is created to allow both the public and nominated companies to vote for their people's choice award. The winners were then awarded on the day of the event which took place on the 11th of November 2022.

There are five different categories in the People’s Choice awards, Employer f Choice, Customer Service, Innovative, Health, Safety & Environment, and Corporate Social Responsibility.

While the following were set for an internal research; Innovation and Adaptability, Employer of Choice, Customer Service, Workplace Wellbeing, Gender Equality, Health-Safety & Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility, Investor in People, Employee Relations and CSR & Sustainability.

The Award recogniSed companies creating and maintaining a positive working relationship between organiSations and their employees looking beyond corporate culture and the extent to which organiSations seek to be resolution focused.

Investor In People
In as much as customer satisfaction is top priority for all organiSations, investment in staff development is equally of utmost importance. This category appreciated companies training employees with knowledge, skills and competence they need to perform their jobs effectively. Based on internal research, Huawei emerged winner in this category.
Gender Equality
Gender disparity is a constant and unwavering problem in our society today. Roles of higher value like managerial positions tend to be attributed to men. This category recognised companies that offer growth opportunities within the company without racial nor gender discrimination. Ecobank emerged winner in this category for their lack of impartiality.
Employer of Choice
There is a common notion in the corporate society whereby employees are aware that their employers only care about the services they offer rather than their wellbeing. This category was awarded to companies with an edge on employee satisfaction, are innovative, provide equal opportunities at work, invest in staff development, have excellent customer service and contribute to community development. Based on the people’s choice, Prudential Beneficial Insurance emerged winners of this category and based on internal research, Nestle was the victor.
Employee Relations
‘To win in the marketplace, you must first win in the workplace’ Doug Conant. The employer-employee relationship is essential in every business environment for the betterment of the organisation. This category recognised positive efforts made by organisations to cement strong relations with their staff ranging from industrial relations across large sections of the work force or in the management of disputes involving individuals. This category was awarded to Spectra for excellent employer-employee relations.
Innovations and Adaptability
‘Innovation only happens when there is diverse thinking’. This category celebrates companies that foster growth by consistently developing new and interesting products/concepts. Both Mav!ance and CCMM met the requirements for this category and thus emerged winners.
Health, Safety & Responsibility
This category acknowledged companies who have implemented rules and legislations that address ergonomics and other aspects of workplace safety through effective occupational and environmental management practices. This category saw Gaz du Cameroun and Cotco emerge victorious.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Giving back to the community is a commendable practice. This category awarded companies who engage their departments in CSR initiatives. This category was sub-divided into; governmental initiatives, community engagement and employee involvement. The winners of this category were MTN Cameroun, and BGFI Bank.
CSR & Business Sustainability
This category, recognises and applaud companies blending the tripple bottom line pillars of a sustainable business towards greater return on investment. Those organisations who have made susatainability an integral part of their business practice, to promote vital resources for an eco friendly environment. IHS emerged a winner to this category.
Customer Service
‘The customer is always right’, is a slogan easier preached than practiced. This category acknowledged companies who have implemented the aforementioned policy and diligently serve the customers, placing their needs as priority. The Award was handed to Activa and Blessing Petroleum for exceptional customer service.

As tradition holds, the board of director celebrate a change agent foran exceptional work each year. This is purely based on observation and appreciation for community engagement and unwavering efforts towards a common goal. The CEO of Hysacam, Michel Ngapanoun was recognised for diligence in service and hard work, resilience towards an environment where environmental issues are still in its baby steps. Hysacam, the being the only company in the nation in charge of waste disposal, must be celebrated and encouraged at different levels.
This is a wrap for 2022, remember 2023 is set to kick start in early 2023, email to be a part this. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all those who took part. Remember it is never about winning, but about being intentional.