Easter commemorates Jesus Christ's Resurrection on the third day after his Crucifixion. The first documented Easter celebration dates from the 2nd century, while the commemoration of Jesus' Resurrection most likely occurred earlier. Easter will be observed on April 17, 2022.

Easter has here, bringing with it childhood memories and customs that many of us continue to attempt to incorporate into our families. Easter as a youngster brings back fond memories of fun-filled days spent decorating and spending time with family. These fostered a better awareness for the true purpose of the occasion.

The day commemorates the return of Christ, who offered himself as a sacrifice for humanity's sins. The resurrection establishes him as the real son of God, having triumphed over evil and death before going to paradise.

The origins of Easter may be found in the New Testament of the Bible, which describes how Jesus was jailed by Roman authorities because he claimed to be the "Son of God." Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler at the time, sentenced him to death by crucifixion. Easter is commemorated by his resurrection three days later. This day is also intimately related with the Jewish celebration of Passover.

Christians believe that on Good Friday, Jesus was crucified and that his body was offered for their sins. The practice of avoiding eating meat on Good Friday in favour of fish dates back centuries. On this Friday, Christians are not permitted to eat the flesh of warm-blooded animals, according to Roman Catholic tradition.

Christians believe that on Good Friday, Jesus was crucified and that his body was offered for their sins. The practice of avoiding eating meat on Good Friday in favour of fish dates back centuries. On this Friday, Christians are not permitted to eat the flesh of warm-blooded animals, according to Roman Catholic tradition.

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