Press Conference: Corporate Award 2021
The Corporate Awards 2021 celebrates its 7thedition in Cameroon. This award celebrates excellence in people management in different categories such as corporate social responsibility, innovativeness, customer service and lots more. Despite the fact that human resource is the most valuable resource, employees have suffered enough harm and have been relegated to the background.
The Corporate Awards has as its objective the recognition of companies who are dedicated to their employees and customer satisfaction. All these in effort to promote excellence.
The benefit of this award is to create a benchmark that will serve as a standard for employer in different companies, raise the bar of performance share business experiences to promote growth and development.
Some of the partners in this incredibly innovative to celebrate companies are Prudential Beneficial and Rousseau International school. In an interview with the public relations officer of Rousseau international school she mentioned the partnership is a learning process for them to build their internal policies respecting the various categories been awarded so in future they can also be nominated and be a possible winning in any of the categories.

The public relations officer of Rousseau International school mentioned in an interview that she would love Rousseau international school to be a bench mark for their competitor and let other copy from the good work they do. She equally added that “Excellence is something we strive for and teach our learners so it comes naturally to want to support a cause that celebrates excellence in Human Resource practices. We are super excited to be a partner and we intend to fully maximise the opportunities and access all the doors that this partnership will open for us as Rousseau International School."
In the past this award offered recognition in six different categories namely; customer service, corporate social responsibility, company investment in its employees, equal opportunities in the company, most innovative company employer of choice and the most recent is hygiene, safety and health.
The reason for the incorporation of the seventh category is because the well being and safety of employees is crucial in their productiveness. The company must ensure in an event of an employee accident at work or occupational illness the company should be responsible for their recovery.