Menstruation: What The Color Of Your Blood Says About Your Health.
Menstrual blood may differ from person to person and can even change between cycles. The thing is , what is normal for you might not be the same for the next person. Also, your period blood color may fluctuate from day one to the final day.
In this write up, we will provide an overview of various period blood colors, what is considered normal, and what isn't. This also covers information about levels of flow, irregular period frequencies and health issues that you may need to watch out for. Here is an overview of what different colors of menstrual blood might indicate:

- Bright red.
Fresh, bright red blood is typically considered normal and healthy. It usually indicates that the blood is flowing quickly from your uterus, which is common during the early days of your period. This color suggests a healthy menstrual flow.
2. Dark Red.
Dark red blood is also often considered normal, especially toward the end of your period. It may simply indicate that the blood has taken longer to exit your body and has had more time to oxidize, turning it darker, hence having this dark shade of red.
3. Pink or light red
Light-colored menstrual blood can occur for various reasons, including hormonal fluctuations or a lighter flow. If it's an occasional occurrence, it is usually not a cause for concern. However, if you consistently have very light-colored or pinkish blood and experience other unusual symptoms, it's best to visit the hospital.
4. Green or Yellowish.
Green or yellowish menstrual blood is highly unusual and could suggest an infection or a more serious health issue. Infections, such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), can sometimes cause these colors. If you observe green or yellow menstrual blood, especially if it's accompanied by a fever, pain, or other symptoms, seek medical help immediately.
5. Brown
Brown menstrual blood is often seen at the beginning or end of your period. It is usually old blood that has had time to oxidize, which is completely normal; but If you consistently experience brown blood throughout your entire period, it might be worth discussing with a health personnel, as there might be an underlying health issue.
6. Greyish or grey
Greyish menstrual blood is uncommon and can sometimes indicate an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis. If you notice greyish blood along with a foul odor, itching, or irritation, do not hesitate to see a healthcare provider for evaluation and treatment.

It should be worth noting that, the color of menstrual blood can offer some insights into your health but, it's just one factor to consider. Be on the watch for other symptoms, such as pain, irregularity, or changes in flow, should also be taken into account. Watch word! See a doctor, in case you notice any abnormalities in your menstrual flow or cycle.