The 56-year-old actress has recently adopted a makeup-free approach, explaining that she wants to "flip the script" on the beauty industry. Pamela Anderson wants to "challenge beauty" with her makeup-free look. Here is what she said after attending the Paris fashion week.

When I was at Paris Fashion Week, people asked me about that a lot. And I think, well, I was doing it for me.
Can I walk out the door like this? Like, I’m fine the way I am. And I just didn’t want to get into the whole glam thing and play the game. I just want to flip the script; I want to challenge beauty.

Despite meeting stiff resistance from her agents and her kids, she is determined to push through with her challenge, and has declared that she doesnt need a glam team. She went further to explain that, social media has put fashion and film stars in a world of fantasy where they feel they cannot do without makeup. Pamela shared,

My agents and even my kids were like, 'Mom, you can’t, you need the glam team!' And I said, 'No, what are you talking about? The fact that you guys are saying that to me makes me not want to do it more! I’m going to do a fresh face, no makeup, not pretend no-makeup.' And I just felt free.

She equally apreciates the fact that alot of women reasonate with her and good enough, nobody gave a bad comment about her makeup-free face.

Would you want to try the no makeup-challenge if you are a star or makeup enthusiast? Let us know in the comments.

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