It is October and of course you all know what time it is, Pink October. Time to spread the word, far and wide on breast cancer. Despite how deadly this form of cancer is, it is  rather unfortunate that alot of women are still in the dark when at the mention of breast cancer. They literary cannot tell how to prevent it or even the symtoms just in case. Breast cancer is the leading cause for cancer deaths among women. It is even worst for people in less developed countries either because of ignorance or inaccessibilty to required medical care. For decades, millions of people have gotten involved during this month to help increase awareness of this disease. So what can you do to help support these efforts as an individual? To spread the word and save a soul, heres how you can go about it.


One of the best things you can do during the month of October is to volunteer with organizations that help raise awareness for breast cancer, support survivors, and help patients. You can help package care kits for women currently undergoing treatment or become an ambassador that promotes helpful information on preventing and screening for breast cancer.

During our trip through New Zealand we found this sweet spot. All the bras are from visitors. This is a social campaign from the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation near Queenstown.
They collect some money with a little box for donations.
Greet opportunity to finance a little bit for the research to fight agains breast cancer.
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz / Unsplash

You can also help participate in fundraising walks that help raise money for breast cancer research, education, and legislation. If you have any skills that could help cancer patients, get creative and volunteer with organizations that support this kind of work. For example, many cosmetologists help breast cancer survivors navigate hair loss during treatment. A dietician can come in handy as well. Donot hesistate to help in whatever way you can to spread the word on breast cancer.

Check Your Own Health

October is a great reminder to check in with your own health and well-being. You cannot sensitize people if you yourself have no clue about your status. To help people, you need to help yourself first. Review your risk factors and schedule a mammogram if appropriate. Self-exams are also easy to do and experts recommend checking breasts every month by touch and sight. Keep track of any changes in how your breasts may feel or look.

Additionally, giving your lifestyle a healthy boost can help reduce your risk of cancer and other health problems. Use this month to make lifestyle choices that naturally help prevent breast cancer.

Check-in on your diet and try to eliminate some unhealthy snacks or habits that may have formed recently. Cutting back on alcohol can also be a great idea this month, because women who drink three or more alcoholic beverages a week, have a 15% increased risk of developing breast cancer.

Educate Your Community

Hands showing how to check for breast cancer

Another great way to step up during this Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to help educate  your surrounding community about early breast cancer detection. Knowing the risks involved with this disease makes it more likely to detect symptoms early and survive a diagnosis. Unfortunately, many women are blindsided by a diagnosis and miss the opportunity to detect breast cancer earlier on.

Spread the word to your friends and family about the importance of getting mammograms. Provide them with options on where to go for free screenings and encourage them to get checked out. You can also provide guidance on how to check breasts for abnormalities. Doing so can help people detect potential symptoms early on and increase the likelihood of successful treatment.

It is Pink October! Keep raising awareness on Breast Cancer.

Pink ribbon for an awareness of Breast Cancer Day, October, 1, 2020
Photo by Angiola Harry / Unsplash
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