How To Develop A Growth Mindset

The dictionary defines growth as the act or process, or a manner of growth; development; or gradual increase. To each man his own definition but one thing is for sure and that is the fact that growth is an integral part of every individual’s life whether personal or professional. The Corporate Women In Leadership for seven years has been on a mission to raise the Corporate Woman to her full potential and bridge the gender gap through her summits, speed mentorship/mentorship programmes, webinars, and breakfast networks.

In light of this, a breakfast meeting was organised to bring women from all walks of life to share and grow together. The second breakfast network was themed ‘Developing a growth mindset’.’Growth is a continuous process from birth and affects every area of your life be it academia, relationship, professional or personal’ Elisabeth burns. Growth is about accountability, having a mindset that allows you to learn and opens you up to diversity. Having a growth mindset is being able to learn from failure, start all over again, and never accept defeat.

For keynote speaker Mitwa Kaemba, CEO of MTN Cameroon, a growth mindset is not even in pursuit of more, it’s only in wanting more from yourself’. Growth starts from within; in striving to be the better version of yourself. Having a growth mindset is being able to step out of your comfort zone or fixed mindset and embrace change. In a short span of thirty minutes, Mitwa schooled the crowd on adopting a growth mindset, being assertive, working through gender disparity and building work relationships. Using her experience in the corporate space and how she has been able to ascend the corporate ladder by having a thirst for more and always asking herself ‘Where am I going?’

‘What Next’? ‘Where am I going’? These are two fundamental questions every individual needs to ask themselves at every point in their life. “The second you land a job the first question you ask yourself should be where am I going”- Mitwe says. Most of the time, we tend to feel so comfortable in a workspace that we don’t bother looking for better opportunities, running away from the challenge rather than taking it head-on. So dare to dream, put on a brave front and face your fears/challenges and remember growth lies where the challenge is.