Visa Free Entry To Kenya Come December 31st 2023.

Good news for the African continent, especially those who have been aspiring to visit Kenya and those who have wished to do business with the country, because shortly, you will not need a visa to enter Kenya. This means that, if you have the money and wish to visit Kenya from any African country, all you have to do is grab your purse and bags, board a flight or bus and boom you're off to Kenya. That's amazing isnt it?.

President William Ruto last Saturday October 28th 2023, announced,

"By the end of this year, no African will need a visa to enter Kenya. The time has come to understand the importance of doing trade between us. It is time we realize the importance of trading among ourselves and allowing goods, services, people and ideas to move freely across the continent"

President Ruto stated while adding that trade among East African Community countries had grown significantly due to the removal of visa requirements and tariffs. He said this while speaking at the summit of the world's three major forest basins, namely the Amazon, Congo, and Borneo-Mekong Forest Basins, in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of the Congo.

As a reminder, kenya receives tourists regularly thanks to its amazing touristic sites like parks, wildlife, safari, lakes, beaches and hotels. Opening its doors by granting visa free access to Africans will greatly boost the economy of the country.

So dear readers,if the visa procedure to Kenya has been an exhaustive one for you, then take a chill pill because sooner than you know, all you will need to get to kenya is cash and the strength to travel.