Improve Office Communicate By Understanding Temperaments
Temperament, is an aspect of behaviour concerned with emotional personalities, reactions and their speed and intensity. The term is often used to refer to the dominant mood pattern of a person. There are four fundamental personalities which are; Sanguine (enthusiastic, active, and social), Choleric (short-tempered, fast, and irritable), Melancholic (analytical, wise, and quiet) and Phlegmatic (relaxed and peaceful).
Temperament is individual differences in emotions, reactivity, and self-regulation. It demonstrates consistency across situations and over time, so it’s logical to assume it influences career choices we make. Emotional intelligence is crucial for those willing to get the most out of their strengths. An individual’s awareness can improve strengths since they are aware of their weaknesses.

Complementing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Workplace
Learning how to appreciate the different team personality types at your workplace can help create a positive environment with less personality-related stress and misunderstandings. A mishmash of diverse team personality types can create a tougher, more balanced workplace. Employees who are quiet and introverted often help to stabilize things at work, but workers who are risk-takers can provide the spark necessary to try new things, develop bolder ideas, and recommend innovation that can boost capability. A company that's filled with too many of the same personality types may focus on certain tasks but may overlook other tasks that are equally important. Working with different people who have a mix of personalities helps compensate for individual strengths and weaknesses.
Vary Your Workplace
Character profiling can help employees understand their own personality traits and those of others in the team, so that they can avoid conflict, build stronger relationships and work together more effectively. In many businesses, there are six primary personality types: stabilizer, adventurer, driver, cheerleader, perfectionist, and energizer. The latent and dominant characteristics of these personalities combine to create a diversity that contributes to a successful team.
The notion of temperament originated with Galen, a Greek physician of the 2nd century AD, who developed it from an earlier physiological theory of four basic body fluids (humours): blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. According to their relative predominance in the individual, they were supposed to produce, respectively, temperaments designated. More recent theories emphasize the influence of the endocrine glands on emotional reactivity. Modern psychology attributes primary importance to the activity of the autonomic nervous system, particularly its sympathetic branch, in emotional reactivity.