Understanding & Overcoming Depression

As mental health disorders continue to be diagnosed at an alarming rate, it has become clear that those who suffer are frequently compelled to engage in self-harm in order to relieve their symptoms.

Depression is a medical condition that affects your mood as well as your ability to function. There exist several forms of depression such as; Clinical depression, bipolar depression, dysthymia, seasonal affective disorder, and other types of depression exist.

Tackling depression includes Counseling, medications, brain stimulation, and complementary therapies. An education on the causes, consequences and solutions for depression is very necessary to serve as a guide to humans, as this would help reduce the rate at which people fall into depression.

I- Causes of depression :

Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

1- Life events: Depression can be caused by stress, the death of a loved one, upsetting events, isolation, and a lack of support.

2- Medication: Depression is a side effect of some medications. Recreational drugs and alcohol can also cause or worsen depression.

3- Brain chemistry: Changes in brain chemical levels can result in depression.

4- Personality: People who are easily overwhelmed or have difficulty coping are more likely to suffer from depression.

5- Medical conditions: Physical pain and illness can lead to depression. People with depression are more likely to have diabetes, cancer, or Parkinson's disease.

Photo by Claudia Wolff / Unsplash

II-  Depression and its consequences :

Depression can have an impact on your emotions, mind, and body. Symptoms of depression include:

1- The ability to become easily irritated or frustrated.

2- Extreme sadness, hopelessness, or concern

3- Having trouble concentrating or remembering things.

4- Contemplating self-harm or suicide.

5- Eating excessively or insufficiently

6- Having physical issues such as a headache, stomachache, or sexual dysfunction.

III- Solution : How to fight depression?

Depression is a serious condition, but it is also treatable. Depression treatment includes:

1- Complementary medicine: People with mild depression or ongoing symptoms can benefit from complementary therapy. Massage, acupuncture, hypnosis, and biofeedback are all forms of therapy.

2- Counselling: Talking with a mental health professional is referred to as counselling or psychotherapy. The counsellor assists you in addressing your issues and developing coping skills.

3- Self-help: Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and spending time with those you care about can help alleviate depression symptoms.

4- Medication: Antidepressants, which are prescription medications, can help change the brain chemistry that causes depression. Antidepressants can take several weeks to work.

Depression can be a short-term or long-term problem. Treatment does not always completely cure depression.