The Rise of Tubal Ligation Among African Women
In many African cultures, a woman’s identity has long been intertwined with motherhood. Society expects her to grow up, marry, and eventually bear children. Yet, in many African countries especially Kenya, an increasing number of women are turning away from this age-old expectation, choosing to permanently close the door to motherhood through a procedure known as tubal ligation.
What Is Tubal Ligation?
Tubal ligation is a medical procedure that permanently prevents a woman from getting pregnant. It involves blocking or tying the fallopian tubes, which are the pathways through which eggs travel from the ovaries to the uterus. By doing this, the eggs cannot meet the sperm, making pregnancy impossible. It’s sometimes called "getting your tubes tied" and is considered a permanent form of birth control. This procedure is usually done when a woman is sure that she doesn't want to have children in the future.
A Kenyan Lady Tells Her Story.......

For 28-year-old Nelly Naisula Sironka, the decision to undergo tubal ligation was more than just a medical procedure it was a powerful statement of autonomy. "I feel liberated," she says. Sironka, an organizational development expert, had never been interested in having children, and in October 2023, she made sure that would never change. With a quick, irreversible procedure, she took control of her future in a way that society wasn’t ready for. "I wanted my future to be entirely mine," she explains. By blocking her fallopian tubes, she made it clear: motherhood was no longer part of her destiny.
Despite coming from a large family, Sironka never felt the weight of societal pressure to have children. Her father played a pivotal role in shaping her worldview, encouraging her to focus on education and independence. It was through her love of reading especially books by feminist authors like Toni Morrison and Bell Hooks that she realized a fulfilling life didn’t have to involve children. These authors helped her see that a woman's worth could be defined by her achievements, her passion, and her freedom, not by the number of children she bore.
Her story isn't unique. Muthoni Gitau, a Kenyan YouTuber and interior designer, also took to social media to share her journey to tubal ligation. Gitau, who first expressed her desire for a child-free life at just 10 years old, faced resistance from doctors when she initially sought the procedure at the age of 23. “They treated me like a child, telling me that children were a blessing and questioning what would happen if I met someone who wanted kids,” Gitau recalls.
This dismissive attitude, she says, was heartbreaking. But like Sironka, Gitau remained undeterred. It took her another decade, but she finally found a compassionate doctor who respected her choice. Today, Gitau is living happily with her decision and is sharing her story with thousands of followers online.
"I’m grateful to live in a generation where choice is a thing," Gitau says, her voice resonating with confidence and pride. "Women can contribute to the world in so many other ways. It doesn’t have to be through raising a child."
These two examples reflect a growing trend in Kenya and across Africa, where more women are choosing tubal ligation as a way of ensuring that their lives are shaped by their own desires and not by societal expectations.
From 2020 to 2023, about 16,000 women in Kenya underwent the procedure, but this number, as reported by the country’s health ministry, is likely just a fraction of the women who are silently making similar choices.
The Changing Landscape of Tubal Ligation
Traditionally, tubal ligation was seen as a procedure for women who already had children and were looking to end their reproductive journey. But now, as attitudes shift, women like Sironka are opting for it before they’ve even started their families. This change in attitude is a reflection of how Kenya's younger generation of women is increasingly questioning the long-held belief that a woman’s worth is tied to her ability to bear children.
Dr. Nelly Bosire, a Nairobi-based gynecologist, confirms this shift. “We’re now seeing more women with fewer children seeking sterilization,” she says.
However, tubal ligation is not a decision to be taken lightly. Doctors often advise only women who are certain they never want children, as the procedure is irreversible. "Reversal is very difficult and typically not recommended," Dr. Bosire explains.