The Magic In Make-up
True beauty they say, needs no filter and I'm not here to dispute that fact but a little touch up can take you from simple to classy in the blink of an eye. Make-up is like an armour you wear before facing the battle that is life. The best part about it is that it is unisex because everyone needs a little touch up once in a while. A perfectly glammed face comes with added confidence, when you look good, you feel good. Make-up enhances and properly defines facial features making your best features pop.

Acnes and blemishes chip away at your self confidence making you feel self conscious all the time. You stop going out, no longer take pictures, start downgrading yourself, envying every other person and praying for a miracle. Makeup sometimes helps you hide these insecurities; it might not be a permanent fix but you can regain your self confidence and feel beautiful again even if it’s just for a few hours.

There’s nothing wrong with waking up every morning and deciding to put a little make-up on; no one likes starting their day with a tired face. When makeup is constantly applied over a long period of time or slept in, there are high chances of your pores getting clogged. Lay off the make-up sometimes, there’s nothing wrong with going natural for a day or two.

The amount of make-up you apply should solely depend on the event at hand. You can’t walk into a business meeting with a heavily made face; but you can never go wrong with a subtle look. Your make-up plays a big role in people’s perception of you, and you definitely don’t want to be turned down from a job before you can prove your qualifications. Save the red lipstick and wing eyeliner for a girl's night out or date nights.

In as much as good make up will have people doing a double take, a natural look is not a complete bore or turn off. A freshly washed face and perfectly groomed brows will get you through the day. But remember, there is nothing sexy about chapped lips; get some lip gloss, invest in some skincare and rock that natural- look like nobody’s business.