Here Is How To Take Care Of Yourself As A Parent.
Taking care of yourself as a parent is taking of your kids. We all agree that you cannot give what you don't have. To be able to give love, time and affection to your kids, you must have it in you. Now if you are always stressed and burnt out as a parent, from taking care of the home, office work and taking care of the kids, it will definitely reflect in your parenting style. Parental self-care has a strong influence on child development. Once you prioritize self-care as a parent, your physical and metal health is intact, you become emotionally resilient, empathetic, avoid burnouts and improve the relationship between you and your kids. Parents who are kind to themselves and take time to relax and recharge have more positive interactions with their children. A happy parent equals, happy kids and definitely a happy home. Here are some rejuvenating self-care activities parents can carryout.
Hang Out With Your Buddies.
As an exhausted parent, you may lose touch with some friends. But, it is important to make some time in the month if not the week to meet them. You can plan a walking date or a drink. Besides that, you can also choose to volunteer somewhere with your friend. Maybe you could join a parents club and make some friends there. Studies show that parents who hang out with their friends seem to be happier and healthier than those who do not. So now you have the perfect excuse to catch up with your besties.
Take A Vacation.
Think about the last time you went somewhere by yourself. It was quite a while ago right? A vacation away from kids and home is the perfect self-care idea for you. It might seem unrealistic but if you plan it well, it can help you. Even if you choose to go somewhere small and local yet beautiful and calm, it can work wonders.
Pick Up Some Of Your Favorite hobbies.
Most exhausted parents always drop most of their favorite things when they get busy with kids. But, your passions and hobbies are important. Use them to keep your sanity when things go crazy. It could be reading a book, cooking, soccer baking, dancing, singing, watching a movie, or even picking up a play station, puzzle or monopoly game. Whatever gives you a break from being a parent even if it’s for 30 minutes, go for it, it will help.
Create Some You Time.
Every parent certainly struggles with finding time to be by themselves. It is important to create specific times in a day for yourself. This not only gives you some downtime but also creates boundaries with your kids. It teaches them to also give themselves some time to recharge. You can pamper yourself by getting a manicure and pedicure, fixing your hair up or experimenting with makeup. You can also get a massage , a facial or take a soothing bubble bath while listening to some chill music. You can as well relax at home with a glass of wine or a mug of hot cocoa.
Worship and Pray.
If you are a believer, then going to a place of worship is a good idea. It can help uplift your soul. Besides that, it allows you to sit by yourself and pray. Prayer is also quite therapeutic. Prayer helps a person acknowledge what they are feeling. Often times in prayer, it is encouraged to bring your worries, fears, pain, and hurts to God and let him hold them and heal them. Just letting yourself out before God in worship and prayer and talking to Him about anything and everything is very therapeutic.
Remember, self-care is not being selfish, but rather a vital component for effective parenting. Taking care of yourself enables you to be the best version of yourself and helps your children see the best version of their mom and Dad.