Scoring In The Right Field

Unemployment has become a norm in most if not all African countries in the 21st century. You spend 4 years getting a degree and have nothing to show for it aside from your certificate and a couple of graduation pictures. This is not because there aren’t jobs, the problem is the jobs have been monopolised leaving the fresh out of school graduates jobless and frustrated.

Photo by Windows / Unsplash

A common requirement for scoring most, if not all jobs is work experience. Most employers could care less about how good your grades are, or your level of education without a working experience although these are equally very important factors taken into consideration when applying for a job. Every employer wants a professional so the real question is,  what then happens to the fresh out of school graduates?. According to research, 12.9% of African youths in Africa are left without jobs leaving them with no means to an end.

Photo by Eye for Ebony / Unsplash

The problem is most youths are so eager to be successful but they are not willing to wait. They want to take the lift rather than the stairs, forgetting that there are no shortcuts to success. The chances of getting a good paying job even with a first class degree are slim to none without a working experience. Voluntary service is an integral part of your career journey, get a professional internship, remember the money doesn’t matter the experience does; in the corporate society, you can’t get money without experience.

Scoring a job after school is not as difficult as it might seem. Here are a few steps to ensure your employment after getting a degree;
Get experience while in the university

Whilst in college, it’s important to get  experience in your field of specialty. It’s advisable you apply for professional internships during your summer breaks so you get the real experience while getting educated along side.

Research the job market

Doing some research on your field of interest is very important. Job requirements vary according to the profession and position. Knowing the job requirements helps you know how to personalise your resume accordingly as well as knowing what skill sets and educational level are required for the job.


Becoming a volunteer can be your key to getting  recognition by some big organisations like the UN. More times than not, volunteers are retained by the organisations they work for. Volunteering also gives you work experience which is a prerequisite for landing jobs. In addition to that, voluntary service helps improve your skill sets and broadens your network.

Have a strong resume

Your resume is your back up in the professional world so it has to sell you. Your resume should emphasize your skills, talents and level of education. Even if you have no background experience, you can substitute your school projects in place. Remember, your resume should  upgrade and not degrade you.


Approximately 70% of job openings/positions are not publicised. The saying ‘your network is your net worth’ holds more water than you possibly can imagine . While starting your career journey, it is important to meet people in the same field and create bonds even whilst in school you’re never too young to network. Build connections with your family and friends, let them know you’re in the job market.
Attend conferences, events and summits that enable you to meet people. Initiatives like The Corporate Women in Leadership and so many others have been created to enable networking and growth. These summits bring exposure, putting you in contact with people who can be of help to you. Take advantage of such opportunities, remember the horse goes to the river to drink and not the other way around.