Panties Have No Expiry Date But Deserve Regular Change

It's not like panties come with a best before label or emit some awful odor when they're past their prime, yes you heard me, panties have their prime. Of course you know panties don't exactly spoil like milk or grow stale like bread. There's no looming expiration date to remind us that it's time for a refresh. Instead, the decision to swap out our little bestie is something that does not need to tabled for votes. I know the affinity that some of us have with a particular pant, that nor matter how worn out it is, divorce between our favorite panties and us is never an option. That is why we are here to discuss the art and science of changing them regularly. But before we dive into that, here is a little advice for you, Let Go Of That Pant. Get Rid Of It! Thanks for understanding.......

Gynecologists point out that wearing worn-out pants can lead to moisture retention, which in turn creates a risk of vaginal infections. Taraneh Shirazian, a gynecologist said in an interview with Health magazine, that there are no clear scientific studies that would confirm wearing underwear for longer than a certain amount of time is harmful or may contribute to reproductive system diseases, while Philip Tierno, a clinical professor of microbiology and pathology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, explains that although underwear doesn’t have an expiration date, there are a few signs that it’s time to throw out the worn-out ones and replace them with new ones. Stretched elastic bands, holes in panties, or change in color are enough signs to bid adieu to that trusty undergarment.

Make it a habit to replace your panties every three months, that's if you have a handful of them. If your pants are fewer, monthly might be ideal for you. But then if you discover the pants are wearing out even before time, then it's definitely time to bid farewell and part ways with them. Whatever the case, just remember: when in doubt, a fresh pair never hurt anybody.

A little advice for you, it is important to wear panties made of breathable materials, preferably cotton.