My Ideal Fragrance

By Ngum Dilis

We are often concerned about the idea of smelling fresh and breath-taking. No doubt, smelling elegant tops up our esteem and makes us confident. This is why we sought out our uniqueness through a blend of perfumes/fragrances. Sometimes, we are lucky to get suiting fragrances that makes us all fabulous and other times we get some and feel like yuck after wearing them. Making a good choice of fragrance isn’t always easy, some may be too ‘strong', not-lasting stains your dress, allergic to the ingredients used and whatnot.

Any fragrance could be an ideal one if used correctly.  Just like clothes, particular perfumes are better in different weathers and for different occasions. In this article, we will be talking about the various types of fragrances when it’s most suitable to use them.

Eau de parfums are the most wildly used type around the globe. Its long-lasting attributes are derived from its high perfume oil composition. Of course, no one wants to wear a fragrance that loses its essence real quick. The levels of perfume oil with small amounts of alcohol make eau unique and likeable by many.

Photo by Laura Chouette / Unsplash

Given its highly concentrated attributes, Eau de parfums are most suitable for winter or rainy seasons when the temperature is relatively low. It helps the fragrance last longer as its concentration doesn’t quickly fade away. They are usually woody and musky oriented the d, reason why it’s been rushed by a lot of men to boost, their masculinity.

Also, ladies who would rather have a bell for a perfume as they alert everyone they walk past with their scent would love Eau de parfums. (Careful, you do not want to do it and appear impulsive, it’s disrespectful, but with the right flavours and notes, oh! How stunning you’d appear).

Eau de Toilettes on the other hand are made of lower compositions of perfume oil and slightly higher amounts of alcohol, making them mildly different from Eau de Parfums.

It’s not so concentrated nature makes it a perfect wear for the dry seasons and summer. (You don’t want to get sweaty and have a weird mix of sweat mixed with endnotes of your fragrance before the day runs out, especially if you went for cheaper fragrances that lack essential notes)

Photo by Scentll Co / Unsplash

Eau de Toilettes are most suitable for people who are allergic to concentrated smells and experience a lot of sneezing or get to choke over harsh scents. It lasts for about 4 to 5hrs, enough for a brief meeting or hangout, keeping you mildly fresh and sweet-scented. Most of its notes are made of scented flowers and goes well with girls/ women.

However, some men would go for lightly scented fragrances which aren’t an idea. Men who have already have good natural body oils may prefer Eau de toilettes to blend with their natural skin oils than have something overshadow it.

Lastly, we have Eau de Colognes not that they’re the least but they’re not so common and mostly used by men. It’s just another mix of alcohol and perfume oils but this time it’s essence are mainly for cleansing and hygiene that also makes it suitable for babies.

N/B: Perfumes contain chemical contents that  may be harmful for children or sensitive to their skins. (If you must wear your baby a perfume, avoid spraying it directly to their skin and also using fragrances containing high levels of perfume oil. Sure you can identify that at this point)

Photo by Kolya Korzh / Unsplash

Just like eau de toilets they don’t have much longevity except for their unique hygiene essence. It’ll not harm to do a little mix of eau de parfums and colognes of similar notes there’s nothing more arousing than having a good fragrance. Having a good fragrance. I think hence you know better about making the right choices. There are so many signatures and notes from all the types; eau de colognes, parfums and toilettes. You can best tell which scent signature you'd go for but most essentially you know what type is ideal for you.

Ngum Dilis is a Content Creator , graphic designer and holder of a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and mass Communication