Partners of Life, For Love!
FabAfriq Magazine Partners Up With The Couple's Corner 237, The Hottest Thing In Town Right NOW! Read Through To Know Everything About Our Partners.
We were telling you about the hottest thing about to come up. Guess what? Your favorite lifestyle Magazine has your back. FabAfriq shall cover every bitty part of the reality show as we have partnered with them to get the freshest updates, JUST FOR YOU! A Love Reminder

What is The Couple's Corner?
The Couple’s Corner 237 is a Cameroonian concept which aims to counteract social contemporary problems in our African society through a reality show that will be broadcasted 24/7.

The intention is to reduce the rate of broken homes, divorces, single parenting, tribalism, non marital cohabitation, ensuring that we get back to the roots of Black love that permitted true commitment and growth of the African society.
The candidates will learn about balancing home and work life, how to solve communication problems, alcohol abuse, family planning problems and financial issues in relationships in general and in their couples in particular.
The Family is the smallest cell of the society, nevertheless the most important. It is where we learn our values, get our first education, get good manners and find peace, love and comfort when we need people to turn to.
Once there is stability in the family, it is easy to get stable nations; hence A STRONGER AFRICA.
The Couple’s Corner 237 will promote healthy relationships not only among the involved couples but equally with the persons behind the tv screens or phones. This show is here to re-educate a generation that has got it all wrong. Put the blame on the lack of our culture. It is more than enough time to go back to OUR roots!
ADDICTION...No Subtraction.
The show presents itself and a base and platform to raise interest and attention among the general public and social actors in the fight against social ills cited above. Marriage is not just for sex. There is beauty and value to be in love, forever and ever, until death decides to part the partners...You will sure love this! Get ready not to leave your sofas.
Applications are received (till April 30th) from people desiring to participate. For the first edition, Cameroonian and Nigerians based anywhere in the world can participate provided they come to Douala before the beginning of the show. The applications are made online or deposited at the headquarters in Douala.
Follow the link to participate
Applicants are required to send passport size photographs and full colored pictures. Participants with passports earn more chances and will have to submit a short video highlighting two things: why they want to take part in the show and why they think they are ready for a marriage.
10 couples will be selected by an independent board after a first date organized by the project promoters. Immediately after this, the house phase can start and so can the real game too! The Love Mansion has been made ready for the lovers, with a welcoming party so be the guest!
A 60 Days Journey In The Love Mansion..
While at the house, spiritual leaders, marriage counselors, financial experts, chefs other professionals will act as mentors to our favorite people. They will be given tasks on various aspects of marriage and since we are gaming, there will sadly be a broadcasted eviction show every Sunday...(Not too sad for us though..)

The winner couple will go home with a cash price of 5,000,000 francs CFA that will enable them start their life ni**a rich! Under supervision of the administrators of The Couple’s Corner 237, their traditional marriage will be financed and recorded for the happiness of our eyes and curiosity.
Stay tuned with us and don't forget to follow The Couple's Corner On Social Media!
TWITTER; @CouplesCorner21
INSTAGRAM ; @couplescorner237
FACEBOOK ; Couple's Corner 237