Ethiopia Has Completed The Filling Of The Nile Renaissance Mega-Dam

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced on Sunday the complete completion of the fourth and final filling of the Grand Renaissance Dam on the Nile. The dam has caused regional problems with downstream Egypt and Sudan.Abiy made the announcement via a message on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter.

In his message, Abiy Ahmed acknowledged the multiple hurdles encountered throughout the construction of the dam, including internal issues and foreign pressures.

He expressed thankfulness for the group effort and spiritual guidance that enabled them to reach this point. Abiy also expressed confidence in their capacity to carry out their intentions.

The vast $4.2-billion dam, deemed critical by Addis Abeba has been a source of contention in the region since Ethiopia began building in 2011. Egypt is worried that the project will diminish its share of Nile water.

The continuing negotiations, which resumed after a nearly two-and-a-half-year hiatus aim to reach an agreement that takes into account the interests and concerns of all three countries involved.

Egyptian irrigation Minister Hani Sewilam has urged for an end to unilateral acts in this situation.