Corporate Women in Leadership 2023:Codes Were Cracked And Stereotypes Dismantled.

Impactful, knowledge filled, exciting and life changing; these are just a few words to best describe the 2023 corporate women in leadership summit. Women trooped in from around Cameroon, to the economic capital, Douala, from companies, schools, businesses to listen, learn and be inspired by great women who have challenged the stereotypes set for them and have excelled in their various domains. This years summit was themed "Cracking the Leadership Code" and trust me these women gave every hammer, nail, chisel, handsaw and all other tools needed by women to crack the code, climb that corporate ladder and excel in their leadership positions. I know you are eager to hear what was said and done, hey relax and take a chill pill, cos you will be wowed by the end of this amazing read.

Alot was said on the future of women in leadership and going beyond gender consideration and stereotypes as well as the importance of self care in cracking the code . Lets start with the mind blowing keynote speech deliciously cooked and well served by the CEO of MTN  Cameroon, MITWA NG'AMBI and which was appetizingly savored by the attendees. She said and i quote,

"Leaders are not made by titles, leaders are made by followers; and followers do not follow a purposeless leader. First as a leader you need a lot of energy and not just any , but positive energy. The type of energy you exude spreads to your team and that's what they carry along"

Another very interesting activity she did was that she shared a pearl to every lady in the hall and here is the message behind it. Let me use her words

"We women are very special beings. Naturally we can manage a myriad of things at the same time. To lead you need to be purposeful, energetic, authentic, read and above all learn. These five words stand for the PEARL you are all holding"

I am sorry to say this, but if you were not there, you definitely missed out on a lot cos even I your humble writer was lucky to have tasted from this sweet nectar of knowledge. But as you all know i cannot forget you all and that is why i am sharing this with you cos i love my readers to death. Aside the CEO of MTN Cameroon, we had other amazing ladies addressing and empowering young girls like Valerie Neim, Linda Nganko, Alexandra Ngann, Linda Tatabod, Kathleen Ndongmo, Vanessa Mboule, Barbara Melem, Mesode Koge Fonderson, Elizabeth BURNS and the lady behind this one in a million project, Adeline Sede Kamga.

Guys this is just the tip of the iceberg, i will be coming back with more details on how to crack the code, challenge stereotypes, take care of your mental and physical well being to climb that corporate ladder and create and create impact wherever you are. Stay tuned cos we will bombard you with videos and pictures cos why???; the testimonials are mind blowing; but for now just enjoy these ones.  Be right back!!!